What happens after a crime has been reported?

Often, in the first hours, days, or weeks after the crime has been reported, you may feel lost or confused about what happens next. You may expect an officer to call and keep you informed about the crime. Unless there are unusual circumstances, the case will usually be processed as follows:

  1. The responding officer will take the information from you needed to file a police report.
  2. If property has been stolen, the officer will ask you to provide a detailed description of the items, to include make, model, serial number and the estimated value of each item. You may be requested to provide a written list of items to be included in your report.
  3. If there is a suspect, the officer will ask you to describe him/her and if known, the name, age, and home or working address of the suspect.
  4. The officer will do as much follow-up as possible during his/her tour of duty. At the end of the shift, he/she will complete the report and submit it to a supervisor for review and approval.
  5. Each morning the Detective reviews the incidents from the previous shifts to determine which reports will need follow-up by the Criminal Investigation Section. Not all cases are investigated by the detective or an investigator.
  6. If there is a known suspect, a witness, workable information or clues left behind by the suspect, the officer(s) will attempt to work the case. If there are no suspects or clues the case will be filed as open. Usually you will not hear from an officer unless new evidence develops.
  7. If you or your insurance company is in need of a copy of the police report, it can be obtained from the Records Section of the Police Department. The original responding officer will provide a form with instructions on how to obtain a copy of your report. Most reports will be available the next business day.However, it is best to call 270-2413 and speak with personnel in the Records Section to see if your report is available before coming to the department. The form provided by the officer will contain your case number, which will enable personnel to look up the report.